Jean-Jacques Gaudel
1 min readAug 9, 2017


Your insight Umair never ceases to amaze me. But your vision will scare most people and they will refuse to accept your verdict. Your essays have been increasingly pessimistic over the last few weeks, rightly so, and so have my thoughts. I have been an activist and protester since before the inauguration of #notmypotus, but am feeling at this point that it has all been pointless. THEY are not paying attention, and don’t care anyway. The whole system is rigged.

The average American has been sleepwalking for the last six months blissfully anaware of the mounting danger, or just refusing to see it. Most were fitted with blinders way back since kintergarden, and brainwashed hand on the heart for years into thinking America is the Greatest, the Biggest, the Strongest, the Smartest nation on Earth no matter what. It’s also now the meanest. The Generals are now beginning to invade the executive and the legislative branch. That fits quite well into your narrative.

The question is as you say: can anything be done to avoid the coming “erruption”. Probably not. The stage has been set up, a chain of events has been started, a narrative created, a Hateful Mad Man is in power that will do anything to stay in power. It doesn’t look god. Is our only hope that, like you, he be suddenly confronted with a major illness and the imminence of his own death?

